James Bond -- ornithologist, author of the classic “Birds of the West Indies” and world’s most famous identity-theft victim -- spent his summers on Mt. Desert Island his entire life. What’s more, he and his uncle wrote the classic field guide to the birds of Mt. Desert nearly eight decades ago. Bond also helped his uncle -- Carroll Sargent Tyson -- create the most famous set of bird prints in Maine. Vincent Van Gogh’s “Sunflowers” is involved as well (you won’t believe how). Jim Wright, the author of the lavishly illustrated biography, “The Real James Bond,” will tell all about Bond, his amazing wife Mary Bond, Carroll Tyson, the birds, the books, the illustrations, and several Mt. Desert Island locales in this colorful illustrated talk. This event is in-person only.
Jim Wright is a longtime nature writer, blogger and public speaker. He writes “The Bird Watcher” column for USA Today newspapers in New Jersey. Wright has written lavishly illustrated nature books about screech owls, Central America’s largest rainforest, Pennsylvania’s legendary Hawk Mountain, the New Jersey Meadowlands – and the real James Bond. He lives with his wife Patty in Allendale, N.J., where he is a deputy marsh warden. Jim has been on the board of his local library for several years. He thinks libraries are the best.