Is it possible, in the 21st century, to design and successfully execute a real-world $20,000 treasure hunt experience in celebration of Maine’s 200th anniversary? What are the challenges? What are the opportunities? What are the limitations? And what are the joys of doing so?
Please welcome Kurt & Kelly Stokes, as they join us at Jesup Library to discuss Dirigo Treasures Maine, their $20,000 treasure hunt card game launched in December 2020. They will share stories of its creation, how it came into being, the successes, the unexpected challenges, and some thoughtful must-do advice for future treasure hunt designers. Mr. & Mrs. Stokes will also answer questions about the game, relay the current status of the treasure hunt for the now 3,500+ players participating, and perhaps share a very special hint as to exactly where Maine’s $20,000 Dirigo Treasure may be found!
Kurt & Kelly Stokes are owners of Dirigo Treasures, LLC, based in Newcastle, Maine. They have lived and traveled extensively in Maine for nearly 30 years. Puzzle & riddle enthusiasts, they have always had a fascination in their spare time with exploring the possibilities of attempting difficult projects which challenge the mind with their complexity, and also the heart with their potential to give back in part to the community. Kelly, a life-long educator, is currently the Director of Special Services at AOS93 in Damariscotta, Maine. Kurt, an INTJ personality by nature, currently works as a Grants & Contracts Manager for the University of Maine System. They share a 23 year-old son John, as well as a charmingly spunky senior cat named “Little Girl”.